
Application Details

Disclaimer: Development Applications start 2 days after Lodgement Date as provided for under the Act.

Reasons for the decision – The reasons for Council’s determination of this application are contained in the assessment report which can be viewed under the Published Documents section located below.

Consideration of community views – Information on how community views were taken into account in making this determination is contained in the assessment report which can be viewed under the Published Documents section located below.

Application Details
Application IDDA17/0663.04
DescriptionMixed use development comprising hotel accommodation to include one 5 storey building and the re-use of the former Murrumbidgee Flour Mill (heritage item), function centre, associated access, landscaping and car parking – modification to subdivide into two lots.
GroupAmended Applications
Sub Category 
Lodgement Date23/02/2024
Notification Start 
Notification End 
Determination Date23/07/2024
Estimated Cost$0.00

Name Details
NameILC Commercial Pty Ltd

Land DescriptionLot 12 DP 1178547

Related Applications
Application IDDA17/0663
eTrack Application Details Page
DescriptionMixed use development comprising hotel accommodation (156 rooms) to include one 6 storey building and the re-use of the former Murrumbidgee Flour Mill (heritage item), function centre, adaptive re-use of grain silos for storage purposes, two storey commercial building for office and retail use, associated access and car parking (including basement car park), landscaping, signage and 3 lot stratum subdivision
RelationshipAssociated Application

Application IDDA17/0663.01
eTrack Application Details Page
DescriptionMixed use development comprising hotel accommodation (156 rooms) to include one 6 storey building and the re-use of the former Murrumbidgee Flour Mill (heritage item), function centre, adaptive re-use of grain silos for storage purposes, two storey commercial building for office and retail use, associated access and car parking (including basement car park), landscaping, signage and 3 lot stratum subdivision - Reduction of hotel room numbers, new retail premises to ground floor, relocation of function centre to grainstore building and associated changes to suit hotel operator
RelationshipAssociated Application

Application IDDA17/0663.02
eTrack Application Details Page
DescriptionMixed use development comprising hotel accommodation to include one 6 storey building and the re-use of the former Murrumbidgee Flour Mill (heritage item), function centre, adaptive re-use of grain silos for storage purposes, two storey commercial building for office and retail use, associated access and car parking (including basement car park), landscaping, signage and 3 lot stratum subdivision
RelationshipAssociated Application

Application IDDA17/0663.03
eTrack Application Details Page
DescriptionMixed use development comprising hotel accommodation to include one 6 storey building and the re-use of the former Murrumbidgee Flour Mill (heritage item), function centre, adaptive re-use of grain silos for storage purposes, two storey commercial building for office and retail use, associated access and car parking (including basement car park), landscaping, signage and 3 lot stratum subdivision - Delete two storey commercial building, delete basement car-park, amend hotel to 5 storeys with reconfigured room layout and revised ground level parking and access arrangements into hotel.
RelationshipAssociated Application

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