
Application Details

Disclaimer: Development Applications start 2 days after Lodgement Date as provided for under the Act.

Reasons for the decision – The reasons for Council’s determination of this application are contained in the assessment report which can be viewed under the Published Documents section located below.

Consideration of community views – Information on how community views were taken into account in making this determination is contained in the assessment report which can be viewed under the Published Documents section located below.

Application Details
Application IDAA24/0075
DescriptionPartB4 - Sewer / PartB5 Stormwater (Private) - Alterations & Additions to dwelling
GroupActivity Approvals
CategoryPartB4 - Sewer / PartB5 Stormwater (Private)
Sub Category 
Lodgement Date22/02/2024
Notification Start 
Notification End 
Determination Date29/02/2024
Estimated Cost$20,000.00

Name Details
NameCarole Ann Harmer

Land DescriptionLot 8 Sec 4 DP 14383

Related Applications
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eTrack Application Details Page
DescriptionPartial demolition of existing building, proposed alterations and additions to existing dwelling. Associated retaining walls.
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Published Documents

There are currently no documents published against this application.

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