
Submit Request

To submit a request fill in all the required information listed below. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
In addition to these mandatory fields, you must select and provide at least one preferred method of contact (Email, Letter or Phone).

Request Type Environmental Requests - Noise Pollution

Location Details

Select the location against which the request is to be lodged.

You can record the request location on the map below and/or by searching for the address.

To select a location using the map, first find the location that you would like to use and click on it.
The address you have entered can not be displayed on the map or does not exist within the limits of the map.
The map location retrieval service is currently not available, please contact your Administrator.
The address is displayed on the map below


Name Details

Enter your contact details.

Please select applicable

Please enter at least one daytime contact number
Notify By
Request Description

Enter a descriptive explanation of the request to be lodged.

Submit the Request

Click Submit to lodge this request. Once lodged you will receive a eRequest ID which you can use to enquire on the progress of your request.