
Mobile Applications


What is iCouncil?

iCouncil Public allows members of the general public to make use of iCouncil to interact with their local authority.

The Report a Problem functionality, allows people to inform their council of a local issue, such as a pot hole, or missed rubbish bin by submitting a photo, a location and a corresponding message. The app then sends this information via email directly to the council.

How iCouncil works

iCouncil determines your current Council area using your smartphone's GPS location and recognises your local Council. It then prompts for some information to be populated for an email that also incorporates a map, a geospatial reference and a photograph.

What happens when Council receives a report?

Reports are received via email, and then registered into our Customer Request (CR) system to be followed up by staff.

How do I get iCouncil?

Click the relevant link below to download iCouncil for your mobile device. Make sure you select the option of being a Member of the Public.

Snap Send Solve

What is Snap Send Solve?

Snap Send Solve is a free app for your iPhone or Android device that lets you report issues and provide feedback to Council in under 30 seconds.

How Snap Send Solve works

Snap Send Solve determines your current Council area using your smartphone's GPS location. Once your GPS location has been determined, the server sends back all relevant Council details, including contact information, location, and email contact.

Snap Send Solve allows you to easily capture and report on common issues including litter, damaged roads or footpaths, parking issues, street cleaning, trees, and also provide a general request or general feedback.

What happens when Council receives a report?

Reports are received via email, and then registered into our Customer Request (CR) system to be followed up by staff.

How do I get Snap Send Solve?

Click the relevant link below to download Snap Send Solve for your mobile device.